Study abroad up to one year

If you are looking to enhance your university career, going for an exchange or a study abroad program would be a great idea! The easiest way for you to be involved in an exchange program is through your current university. Most Canadian universities and colleges have collaborations with universities abroad to allow their students to gain international experience. Not only will you gain international experience, you will also receive credits for participating in the Exchange Program. These collaborations are normally for a semester (4-6 months) or a full year (8-12 months). You can start by browsing through your university or college’s Exchange Program in this section.

University or College Student Exchange Programs


British Columbia


New Brunswick

Newfoundland & Labrador

Nova Scotia


Prince Edward Island



There are currently no Study Abroad programs at the colleges in Nunavut, Northwest Territories and Yukon.


We have also listed Exchange Programs that are not affiliated with universities or colleges that may even be suitable for High School students, if that is what you are looking for.

Non-University or College Student Exchange Programs

Canadian Education Exchange Foundation

The CEEF caters to international exchanges for both students and teachers. It offers descriptions of the programs, destinations, and an application kit.

AFS Canada – High School Programs

The AFS Canada High School Programs offer exchange programs for students who are currently in high school that want to gain a fresh perspective on a foreign culture. The programs offered start from 3 months, 5-6 months or 10-12 months.

YES Canada

YES Canada is suitable for students between 14 to 18 years old who are interested in travelling abroad. Students need the support and commitment of their parents, teachers, and high school principal. In some cases, students may earn school credits by undergoing the YES Student Exchange program.

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