Rubby Nwaluka – UOIT student from Nigeria
My name is Rubby Nwaluka from Nigeria, Africa. I am currently doing my Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Legal Studies with a minor in Criminology at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) in Oshawa, Ontario. My international student experiences in Canada have been second-to-none and it is hard for me to pick a favourite; I thought I would highlight a few as to why UOIT and the community are so special to me.
My friend’s graduation from UOIT class of 2015
International Orientation was one of my best experiences at UOIT because it opened my eyes to all the vast cultures around the world that are here at the university. As a volunteer, every year I learn something new about a culture and how connected we all are because of the international community on campus. Everyone at UOIT, especially the Student Life office, has supported my student experience here and I feel like I am part of a growing family.
I enjoyed being involved with the community of Oshawa through the organization of Big Brothers and Big Sisters. It is an amazing organization and I was able to give back to my community by mentoring children and actually having fun at the same time; it was a great opportunity and I met incredible people during my time there. One of my favourite Canadian memories is the camping trip I took with other African students – it gave me a chance to discover the similarities between camping and visiting rural villages in my country of Nigeria.
During my studies at UOIT, I have enjoyed a variety of classes that have had a huge impact on which type of law I would like to specialize in and have expanded my views on gender and the society as whole. These classes were engaging with guest speakers that were inspiring to say the least. Thank you to my professors for making the in-class experiences so fun!
If I could go back in time, I would choose UOIT 100-times over again. The university is fresh, new and provides market driven and specific degrees geared towards specific post-graduate employment. The education and skills I have been provided with will be invaluable in my future endeavors; for that I am forever grateful and wouldn’t change my experience for the world!
Volunteering to raise awareness on social justice issues