International Education Week: Discover the world


Every year, during the third week of November, Canada celebrates International Education Week (IEW) along with over 100 other countries. This year, IEW takes place November 18-22, 2013. During IEW, universities, colleges, schools, governments, associations, and community members organize events to celebrate international education. Their goal is to raise awareness and understanding of the significant contribution international education makes throughout the world.

Your school or community may be taking part in IEW! Brock University, in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, has been celebrating IEW since 2005 and each year it organizes a full week’s worth of events.  Getting involved during IEW is a great way to expand your international awareness, to learn about countries and cultures around the world, and to teach your community about your own culture. Talk to the international office or events planner at your institution to learn who is responsible for coordinating IEW events. Once you have done that, think about these ways in which you can connect with other internationally-minded peers or community members:

Step up. Volunteering allows you to meet new people, do something fun with your friends, and contribute in a positive way to your community. Ask if your institution’s IEW coordinator needs volunteers to help out at or promote events. At Brock University, our student volunteers enjoy dressing up as our mascot, Boomer the Badger. They roam the hallways and classrooms, taking pictures with other students and handing out flyers that contain information about IEW.


Zi Wang, 4th year Business student, and Boomer the Badger promote IEW in the campus bar.

Join in. There may be events that depend on student participation, such as photo contests or international fairs. What better way to educate your community about your home country than to create a display that highlights your culture, or to submit a photo that you took in your hometown? If you are really eager, you could offer to plan your own event! If you are part of a student club, perhaps your group may want to organize an activity during IEW. Be creative!


Brock’s annual Home Away From Home/This is My Home Photo Exhibition features photos that have been submitted by students!

Show up. You may not be able to donate your time or resources to IEW, and that is okay! The next best way you can support IEW is to attend events that are of interest to you; go to a cooking demonstration; take a look at the photo gallery; sign up for a workshop; or take part in a soccer tournament. Do anything that you find interesting! IEW is about sharing knowledge, but it is also about having fun – the more fun you have, the more you will learn.

Utilize your social media time. The final tip to get involved in IEW is simple: connect online with the people at your institution, or in your community, who are a part of IEW, or who attend the events. Share photos, news, and more, and take advantage of the online international community in your area!


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